sexta-feira, março 09, 2007

Philip Yancey is OK!

Philip Yancey, o famoso escritor, autor do livro A Maravilhosa Graça e de muitos outras admiráveis obras (digo eu), sofreu um acidente terrível recentemente, em que podia ter ficado completamente paralisado ou mesmo ter morrido.

"I was driving alone on a remote highway, curvy but not too hilly, at about 65 mph. A curve came up suddenly and I turned to the left, perhaps too sharply. As you may know, Ford Explorers are rather notorious for fishtailing, and this one did. I tried to correct, but as best as I can reconstruct what happened, my tire slipped off the edge of the asphalt onto the dirt. That started the Explorer rolling over sideways, at least three times and probably more. Amazingly, the vehicle stopped right side up. All windows were blown out, and skis, boots, laptop computer, and suitcases were strewn over 100 feet or so in the dirt."

Para quem quiser ler o testemunho completo (em inglês) fica aqui o LINK.

"Praise God." Conclui ele no final.

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